GBPA Ethical Standards and Professional Code of Ethics

Adherence to a standard of ethical practice is a defining element of any profession. A code of ethics provides clarity and safety for the public and the practitioners regarding the purpose for their relationship and the boundaries within which they operate. Subscribing to a standard code of practice communicates to the public at large that Breathwork is a valid, accessible and professional tool for healing and growth.

The following code of ethics for Breathwork professionals was ratified in 2003 by the collaborative effort of some 22 Breathwork schools and training programs around the world and amended by the GPBA Board of Directors in 2007.

The Ethics Committee of the GPBA Board of Directors is available to advise and assist in a perceived breach of ethics by a Breathwork professional.

A Professional Breathwork Practitioner will:

  1. Client Suitability:
    1. Establish a client’s ability to utilise and integrate the results of a Breathwork session.
    2. Not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, age or appearance.
  2. Contracts with Clients:
    1. Establish clear contracts with clients regarding the number and duration of sessions and financial terms.
    2. Establish prior agreement with the client for the utilization of other techniques than Breathwork during a session e.g., touch.
    3. Practice my Breathwork skills for the benefit of the client.
    4. Maintain confidentiality of client information and security of records of client session content.
  3. Practitioner Competence:
    1. Practice within my area of professional competence, training and expertise, make this clear to my prospective clients, and not make claims for my service that cannot be substantiated.
    2. Continue to develop personally, practicing the technique that I offer and endeavor to maintain a healthy balance between work and self-care.
    3. Seek supervision and consultation when appropriate.
  4. Practitioner/Client Relationship:
    1. Maintain and nurture healthy relationships with other Breathwork Practitioners.
    2. Give constructive feedback to other allied practitioners who I believe have failed to follow one or more of the ethical principles. If this does not resolve the issue, I will seek consultation with the most appropriate professional and/or civil authorities within my region for the protection of clients involved.
  5. Practitioner Interrelationships:
    1. Establish and maintain healthy, appropriate and professional boundaries, respecting the rights and dignity of those I serve.
    2. Refrain from using my influence to exploit or inappropriately exercise power over my clients.
    3. Refrain from using my Breathwork practice to promote my personal and religious beliefs.
    4. Refrain from all forms of sexual behavior or harassment with clients even if the client initiates or invites such behavior.
    5. Provide clients with information about complimentary resources as appropriate.
    6. Refer clients to appropriate resources when they present issues beyond my scope of training.